G’day ZimmComm Tribe:
Chuck presented a session on farm podcasting at last week’s Cultivate & Connect Conference and he’s all about the “tribe” right now. Go figure. Chuck also found out from this group that there is a lot of interest in podcasting. Having coined the term farm podcasting, keep him in mind if you have questions or would like a quote on creating a podcast series for your company or organization.
Is your company going to be seen at the 2017 Cattle Industry Convention or International Production & Processing Expo? Want some great online exposure to help boost your buzz? Consider sponsoring our coverage of these events using that unique ZimmComm style. Our AgWired brand, especially, Animal.AgWired.com can be a force for your good! Contact Chuck or Clint to learn how.
The ZimmComm Team is now entering a special time of year. Sure, there is Christmas and New Year’s coming up but for the team it’s all about charging the agriblogging and farm podcasting batteries and getting 1st quarter travel planned. 2017 holds lots of promise for agricultural marketing and communications. We hope you’re getting ready with us.
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