Hello ZimmComm Fans:
We’d like to say a very happy 25th Anniversary to Novus International. Jamie is on hand at the company offices near St. Louis for the festivities. You can find her photos here.
We’re nearing completion of posting our stories and interviews from the World Pork Expo thanks to our sponsor, Boehringer Ingelheim and CUTC courtesy of NCGA. But while that coverage winds downs things will ramp up as Chuck spends the weekend in Newton, IA for NASCAR racing activities courtesy of Syngenta Enogen. From there he will travel to the Fuel Ethanol Workshop with sponsor Novozymes. Meanwhile Cindy and Kelly head to Oregon for the American Seed Trade Association annual convention. Whew!
We’d love your feedback on our latest ZimmPoll, sponsored by New Holland. We’re asking, “Did/do you have a summer job on a farm?”
If you are a fan of AgWired we’d love your feedback. Please send us what you think of what we do in 140 characters or less using any hashtag you’d like and our Twitter handle. Can you guess what we’d like to do with them?
To find lots of new audio and other media content which is always available to all ag media check out our AgNewsWire.com.
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