Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Chuck and Cindy covered this week’s 21st National Ethanol Conference in the Big Easy. That’s the first of 3 conferences they get to cover in New Orleans this year. Mmm. Jambalaya, Gumbo, sushi, oysters, beignets . . . Thank you ag groups for going to one of our favorite places to eat. You know how important that is! Right?
The results of the Bayer CropScience LibertyLink Real Yield Game have been finalized. This project which we helped promote concluded with 5 winners receiving a year’s supply of LibertyLink soybeans and Liberty herbicide. One winner gets a year’s lease on a John Deere tractor and the big winner receives a John Deere Combine. The latest winners announced are: Winner #4, William Graff, Illinois, Year’s supply; Winner #5, Janson Patterson, Alabama, Year’s supply and Tractor Winner,Rick Juchems, Iowa. I think we’ll learn the combine winner at Commodity Classic.
Our last ZimmPoll asked: “How many farm shows/conferences do you attend?”
We have a very wide spectrum in our results this week. It looks like most people attend around 2 to 5 farm shows or conferences each year. As you can guess, those on the AgWired Team would fit into the 5 plus category.
Our new ZimmPoll asks, “What’s your favorite social media outlet for agriculture?” Let us know what you think.
Here’s some audio from this week you might have missed:
RFA Chairman, Randy Doyle, enthusiastic about ethanol industry
Bob Dinneen, RFA, State of the Ethanol Industry
Roger Richard, Voices of Advocacy, on uniting our voices
Jim Winders, Valley Irrigation, tech and support
Rick Ekins, FMC, on Ethos XB
Lance Ruppert, GROWMARK, on pollinator protection
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