Hello ZimmComm Fans:
If you will be attending next week’s Farm Progress Show we’ll see you there. The ZimmComm Team of Chuck, Cindy, Jamie, Joanna and Lizzie will be there for the show and Tuesday/Wednesday’s schedules are filling fast. If you don’t have us on your media or invite list then please add Chuck now.
This week’s big excitement for Chuck was attending the John Deere new product reveal in Waterloo, IA. The biggest news was the unveiling of the 4-track 9RX tractor.
We have lots of great new content for agricultural editors on our AgNewsWire.com website. Might want to check that out.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, How are farm equipment sales this year?
Lots of the latest equipment and technology will be on display at the Farm Progress Show for farmers to think about buying. But with crop prices lower this year, the question is, will they? Whether you are a buyer, a seller or just an observer – let us know what you think.
Here are some audio files from this week you might have missed:
Champion Corn Growers at @BASFAgProducts Event
Clinton Unveils Ag Plan, Gets Vilsack Support
John Deere Reveals 4 Track 9RX Tractor
Priority Issues for Missouri Policy Makers
BIVI Seminar Highlights FAD Preparedness
GROWMARK FS Ready for 2015 Farm Progress Show
Busy Year for America’s Renewable Future
You can find the full