Hello ZimmComm Fans:
ZimmComm Team members Cindy and Leah are on the way home from Chicago and the American Seed Trade Association 2014 CSS & Seed Expo. They’ve got lots of stories posted and more to come plus hundreds of photos for you to enjoy. You’ll also find Jamie’s stories from last week’s BIVI PRRS Seminar.
Now the team gets an end of the year break. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be finding fresh, interesting and informative content courtesy of ZimmComm New Media!
According to our latest ZimmPoll most people would like Congress to handle tax breaks with two words – Flat Tax! Our new ZimmPoll asks you, “What’s the biggest challenge for the seed industry?”
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Dr. PH Rathjen, BIVI, on following management rules to tackle PRRS
Biotech advocate Dr. Kevin Folta, University of Florida, who took Food Babe to task
Steve Bergsheneider, BASF, on coatings and inoculants
John Carlson, Bayer CropScience, on ILeVO seed treatment
ASTA Chair, John Schoenecker, on CSS 2014
Daren Coppock, ARA, wraps up annual convention
You can find the full e-Newsletter here and subscribe here.