Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Today is Apple AgNerd day since the new iPhone 6 models are now available in stores. Of course Chuck already has his If you’re getting one don’t forget to make sure you have the newly updated AgWired App on it. It’s free and also available for Android. Of course, on any mobile device you can install a browser app to your home screen. Just open AgWired.com and a pop-up will ask if you want to add it to your home screen. It is also a great AgWired App option! Thanks to iCropTrak for continuing as our AgWired App sponsor!
Speaking of Apple our latest New Holland sponsored ZimmPoll asked if you would buy an Apple Watch, which is scheduled to come out early next year. The results were pretty mixed. Most people probably want to wait to see what changes might come out at actual launch time.
Here are some audio files from this week you might have missed:
Maree Deventer, ADM, on soybean sustainability program
Sec. of Ag Vilsack announces citrus greening aid
Republican Ag Commissioners on WOTUS
Mike Deering, Missouri Cattlemen, on Right to Farm Prevails
BIO Teleconference on cellulosic ethanol advancements
You can find the full e-Newsletter here and subscribe here.
Comments 1
Got my iPhone6 with AgDNA locked and loaded. Great to see all my fields on bigger screen 🙂 Cool app and its FREE agdna.com