Hello ZimmComm Fans:
ZimmComm New Media is celebrating ten years! That’s ten years of pioneering the use of online agricultural communications via blogs, podcasts and social networking. Sure wish we could say we were so enlightened that we planned it all. But we just went with the flow. Now we’re looking at the next ten years and wondering what things will be like when we get there.
We look at the Agri-Marketing Conference in 2004 as our official company launch so next week’s conference is a special one for us. If you’re attending please stop by our booth for some anniversary cake and other goodies as well as ZimmGlass Demos.
Actually, Chuck will be doing ZimmGlass demos while Bruce Rasa, Tekwear, will be demoing his Google Glass. If you don’t know Bruce you need to. He’s THE Glass pioneer for agriculture. If you have not seen Glass in action and are wondering what this new thing is then we’ve got the opportunity for you to get an in-person look at the coolest new wearable technology. How can this apply to agribusiness and ag communications? Stop by and we’ll give you some ideas.
NAMA Agri-Marketing Conference week is going to be a big one with Brownfield Honky Tonk and Rhea + Kaiser After the After Pancake Ray breakfast thrown in. We’ll be seeing you there.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do you think farm movies can help the public image of agriculture?”
It looks like the majority polled believe these farm movies can play a positive role in improving the agricultural industries image. Getting people to theaters to watch them might be tricky, but the old fashioned word-of-mouth advertising could be the ticket. Check on the FARMLAND and Great American Wheat Harvest websites for public screenings.
Our poll results:
? Definitely – 38%
? Maybe – 27%
? No – 11%
? Not sure – 4%
? Can’t hurt – 15%
? Other – 5%
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What’s the largest percentage of your 2014 marketing budget?”
Next week is the annual Agri-Marketing Conference in Jacksonville, FL. Agribusiness/agency/media and more will be networking and participating in professional development activities. We’re pretty sure this question will be a part of the conversation.
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