It’s always exhausting to look back on what we did in a year, and it’s always more than the year before.
In 2013, ZimmComm covered 73 different events in 19 states and three other countries besides the United States – Argentina, British Columbia, and Germany. Missouri wins the prize for the most meetings in 2013 with ten. We visited Illinois eight times, Iowa seven times and North Carolina and Washington DC six times each.
The ZimmComm golden microphone was seen at meetings about general ag, crop protection, equipment, machinery and precision ag; cattle, dairy, hogs, livestock, poultry and meat; cotton, corn, grain marketing, peanuts, seeds, sorghum, and wheat; equipment, machinery and precision agriculture; ethanol, biodiesel and advanced biofuels; ag advocacy, agri-marketing, ag media, farm broadcasting – and more.
We hit 100,000 photos in our Flickr account included in a total now of 468 sets dating back to May of 2005. We did just shy of 5,000 total posts on all of our own websites plus others like Corn Commentary, Biodiesel Conference, Beef Board Meeting, and Southern Peanut Growers.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful clients, fabulous freelancers and various industry supporters for making 2013 a great year. It’s been nice to take a holiday break from the Agriblogging Highway, but we’ll be back at it again soon. See you down the road in 2014!