Hello ZimmComm Fans:
The ZimmComm team hopes you’re enjoying our out and about this week. Cindy and Leah have been hard at it in Des Moines starting with the Truth About Trade & Technology Global Farmer Roundtable. Then they moved on to the World Food Prize activities. Chuck hit the west coast to spend the day at the O.H. Kruse Grand Opportunities event He got to drive through a large grape growing reason and see the crews out picking the fresh grapes, a first for him. We love the agriblogging highway.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “ Is shutdown affecting you?” Well, it’s a moot point now since the shutdown is over (for the time being). Our poll results were pretty well mixed though.
Our poll results:
?· Yes, in a minor way –23%
?· Not at all – 23%
?· Can’t tell a difference – 25%
?· Not yet 16%
?· Yes, in a major way 10%
?· Other 4%
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What is most important to you when buying food?” What are those key drivers or influencers that you’re faced with at the grocery store? Let us know!
Here are some interviews and audio from this week you might have missed:
Chad Pinter, O.H. Kruse, on listening to customers
Cory Gibson, Alliance Mercantile, on Bekina Boots
World Food Prize Laureates meet the press
Claudia Garcia, Elanco, on Sensible Table Movement
Jim Zimmerman, Chair, NCGA Trade, Policy & Biotechnology Action Team
TATT Kleckner Award winner V. Ravichandran
Jeff Simmons, Elanco, after receiving 2013 Borlaug CAST Communication Award
World Food Prize Laureate, Dr. Robb Fraley, Monsanto
Jay Kelley & Kevin Hamilton, Adayana, on selling value in competitive world
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