Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Chuck attended a very successful NAMA Fall Conference this week in Minneapolis. (Photos Here) Attendance was up significantly with almost 200 people registering. Next year we’ll be looking to the St. Louis area for this newly formatted industry event. Hope you can make it.
Looking ahead Chuck gets back on the road late this weekend to head to World Dairy Expo with his coverage being sponsored by New Holland. You’ll be able to see most of his coverage on World Dairy Diary.com starting on Tuesday. Looking even further ahead to 2013, most of our sponsors have already locked in sponsorships. But that doesn’t mean there are not a lot of opportunities to have the ZimmComm team attend your event or work with you and your company on a project. We do all kinds of work and would love to talk with you about how we can help out. Just give Chuck or Dave Larson a call.
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Have high fuel prices had an impact on your farm/business?” Our poll results: Sixty-four percent said Yes, big impact on our budget; fourteen percent said Yes, minimal impact on our budget; twelve percent said No, not yet; and ten percent said No, don’t expect any.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What grade would you give the new student lunch program?” Tell us why with a comment.” New government nutrition standards, which went into effect this year in a bid to combat childhood obesity, require schools to serve more variety and larger portions of fruits and vegetables. What do you think – are these new lunches a good thing or will students just toss more food in the trash can?
Here are some interviews you might have missed this week:
• Fuels American press conference
• NAMA Professional Development Award Winner Troy Schroeder
• NAMA Professional Development Award Winner Justin Funk
• NAMA Professional Development Award Winner Kevin Bien
• NAMA Professional Development Award Winner John Rozum
• Steve Schussler, Rainforest Cafe Founder, says never give up
• Beth Burgy, Broadhead, on passing the NAMA gavel
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