Hello ZimmComm Fans:
It has been another crazy weather week between the sort of hurricane in the south and continued hot and dry to the north. Hopefully the remnants of Isaac will bring some much needed rain to areas that need it.
The ZimmComm Team has been out and about this week. Chuck and Cindy spent most of the week in Boone, IA at the Farm Progress Show. They’ve got a lot of photos online and many more stories and interviews to post. Jamie is attending the GROWMARK annual meeting. After this week we get a break in the action for some much needed catching up on a variety of things.
Planning for 2013 marketing and promotion is in full swing. Many of our sponsors have already renewed their annual agreement for our services. Have you? Would you like to discuss how we can assist your marketing plans? If so, please let Chuck or Dave Larson know as soon as possible. Our calendar is already filling up for next year!
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Beyond commodity prices, what will this year’s drought have a greater impact on?”
Our poll results: Thirty-eight percent said feed costs; thirteen percent said food prices; eleven percent said fuel costs and crop insurance, respectively; nine percent said crop inputs; eight percent said land costs; and five percent said tillage practices and other, respectively.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “How will the drought affect farm equipment sales?” For growers looking to update their fleet, or invest in new equipment and technologies, will they think twice when factoring in drought affects or will their pocketbooks still allow them that purchase – what do you think?
Here are some interviews you might have missed from this week:
• Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Farm Progress Show Press Conference
• Justin White on FS InVISION Seed Corn
• Abe Hughes, New Holland, talks about aggressively marketing the brand
• Former Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter Farm Progress Show Press Conference
• Dr. Dan Thompson, KState Vet School, does Livestock 101 at NAMA Boot Camp
• Monsanto Press Briefing on FieldScripts and Integrated Farming System
• Barry Nelson, John Deere, on farming in the future
• Farm Bill Now Coalition speaks out at Farm Progress Show
• Will Cannon, Ag Leader Technology, talks about Down Force and SeedCommand
You can find the full e-Newsletter here and subscribe here.