
Hello ZimmComm Fans:
We’ve got a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. For starters, we can’t say enough how much we appreciate our clients and sponsors. Your support means more than we can say. We also thank everyone in the ZimmComm community. We’ll continue to strive to bring you our best. We’re also thankful to America’s farmers and everyone involved in the production/processing/distribution of food. For that we give #FoodThanks!
The ZimmPoll is one year old! And you can re-visit all of them since they are all archived right here on AgWired. Thank you Rhea+Kaiser for your sponsorship and support.
In our latest ZimmPoll we asked the question, “Will higher cost (13%) of Thanksgiving dinner affect your meal?” Apparently it won’t for most of our respondents. 64% said, No, same as usual; 22% said Yes, Fewer items on table; 9% said Yes, Planning smaller portions and 5% said No, Bigger dinner this year. A story in yesterday’s USA Today seems to reflect this response. It says that some will be cutting back.
Our new ZimmPoll is now live. We’re asking the question, “Do you use Facebook or Google+?” Google+ now allows company pages but so far they don’t seem to have attracted the kind of audience found by companies using Facebook. Which “house” do you live in? Feel free to chime in. We appreciate it.
Here are some interviews from this week you might have missed:
Heather Covrig/Sara Steever talk about new Paulsen Marketing though paper
Garry Niemeyer, NCGA President, talks farm bill
Bob Young, AFBF Economist, talks farm bill
Robert White, Renewable Fuels Association, on status of E-15 waiver
You can find the full e-Newsletter here and subscribe here.

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