Welcome to the New ZimmComm.biz

Once again Robert has done an awesome job designing and building the “corporate” ZimmComm New Media blog. I’ve been posting very lightly here in anticipation of this day.
ZimmComm New Media is celebrating 3 years in business and over 2 years of helping companies find their way in this new online communications world we live in. Starting today I’ll be posting more regularly about our projects and gathering information for you to help you join the online conversation.
Please feel free to comment or email me if you have any questions or world like to schedule a consultation or training session.

Comments 1

  1. Chuck Zimmerman
    I was given your name by Owen Roberts here in Canada.
    I am in the publishing business in the Animal Health industry.
    I also sit on the board of the Canadian Animal Health Institute(CAHI) whose members include the major pharmaceutical Companies.
    The reason for this communication.I am the Chair of the annual meeting of CAHI.Our theme is harnessing Technology to expand markets.One of the subjects I would like to cover is Blogging,new media etc.
    Do you give presentations and if so would you be interested in our group.The date is Wed May 30.We would be looking for about 45 minutes and follow with Questions.Location Niagara Falls Ontario.If you are interested can you please call me at 1 800 350 0627
    Thanks Adrian Bayley

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