Hello ZimmComm Fans:
Happy Independence Day weekend to all of you. Enjoy your grill (think hot dogs) and the fireworks!
The ZimmComm Team is ready for a lot of time on the agriblogging highway this summer. This month you’ll be able to find us out on location with BASF, New Holland Media Days, at the Southern Peanut Growers annual meeting, Ag Media Summit and InfoAg Conference. We hope to see you there.
Friday, July 3, is the last day to enter our AgNerd Giveaway to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab S. Get your entry in. We’ll announce our winner first of next week.
Here is some audio from this week you might have missed:
Michelle Gregg & Gary Reding, Crop Health Labs, on nutrient management
Aaron Hutchinson, iCropTrak, on InfoAg Conference
President Obama signs trade bills
You can find the full