How do I subscribe to agwired?
First you need a news aggregator
program. We recommend
NewsGator but there are a lot of them -
Search Here. With that program (many are free) you can
use the site feed button () on the homepage to
subscribe to our feeds. Or just enter our site feed
into the subscription box that most news aggregators offer.
This means that every time we post a new story you'll be alerted to it with a short excerpt and a link to the new story! You don't have to come back to our website just to see what's new! The aggregator collects the new story announcements for you and you choose which ones you want to read. You can find a good summary on this topic at c/net.
How do I get your ZimmCast (our podcast)?
You'll need podcast software,
which is mostly free. We recommend
iPodder but you'll find
links to others on our homepage. Install the software
then use the ZimmCast podcast button ()on the homepage to
subscribe to our podcast. Or just enter the ZimmCast
into your podcast software subscription box.
It works like the site feed but you'll be getting an audio file downloaded to your computer to use when you want to. Since you can tell the software which folder on your hard drive to download the audio file to, you can make it the one you sync into your portable digital audio player to take with you and listen to anywhere and anytime!
You can also listen to the current ZimmCast immediately by clicking on the button for the mp3 file version. When you click on it while you're online your media player (we recommend Windows Media Player) should open automatically, download the file and allow you to listen to it and even save it!
If you miss a ZimmCast you can always go back and find it easily using the "archive" feature of the blog. Go to the "Archive" sidebar and look at the categories. We have one for "ZimmCast." You can go there and see all the previous programs we've produced.
How do I find old stories?
Archives. It's a great feature of the blog. Look in the "Archives" sidebar and you can click on any category or month to see all the posts.
Do you accept advertising or charge fees?
Not at present although we're exploring our options to generate revenue from the site. One way we accept support is in the form of sponsorships, especially of event coverage. Contact Chuck to discuss.
How do I respond to what you write?
It's easy. That's what blogging is all about. Use the "Comment" feature of the blog. You'll find it at the bottom of every post. When you click on "comment," it will bring up a form that allows you to write your own comment about what's written. Others can see your comment and even comment on your comment!
What is a Talking News Release?
This is a fee-based service offered by ZimmComm that targets radio reporters nationally. Basically, we take a standard news release, edit for broadcast style, record interviews with your representatives, edit the interview into sound bites, stream the audio files on our server, insert hyperlinks to them into the release and then email it to reporters in the area you choose.
We have a database that includes reporters at all radio stations across the U. S. and Canada. We also maintain a separate database of traditional farm broadcasters. They can be sorted by state or just about any parameter you want.
For more information about how it works, why you should do it and how much it costs, contact Chuck.
What's the difference between Talking News Releases and NAFB's NFBS Service?
For a detailed answer see our post on this topic.
Why should I use Talking News Releases?
To get more mileage out of your message! Radio reporters have daily deadlines and need lots of stories and ideas. They like using audio. That's what Talking News Releases is all about. Our service is one of the newest and best ways to target them. Look at this post for more information.
How do you track Talking News Releases?
There's no reliable way to measure on-air coverage on large numbers of radio stations. However, Chuck is writing a series of articles on this subject. You can find them using the "Talking News Release" archive category. They're titled "Tracking News Releases."
ZimmComm can report on how many times an audio file is downloaded and is working on ways to provide more feedback.
The best thing to do is check with our repeat clients. They get great anecdotal feedback and we pass any we receive along to you too.
As one reporter put it, "I couldn't do this story if I didn't know about it." Well said!